Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Gospel and Racism

Racism. It's not a pretty word. It creates pictures in my mind of hatred, violence, misunderstanding, etc. Sadly, we all can be tempted or trained to act in a racist fashion.

I remember in 6th grade reading "The Diary of Anne Frank", and discussing the Holocaust in class. Soon my friends--who knew that my parents were born in Germany and came to America from Germany--looked at me with eyes full of disdain. They failed to realize that at age 12 I couldn't have possibly killed any Jewish people during the Holocaust... nor did my parents (who were also just children at that time). And yet, simply because I was "German", I was being pre-judged.

Recently, a documentary featuring John Piper was made. It chronicles his own battle with racism and how the Gospel of Jesus Christ radically changed his attitudes about racism. For the sake of unity in the body of Christ, and for the sake of loving our neighbor as ourself, I encourage you to take 20 minutes to view it.

May God change our hearts and minds to see correctly that we all are a part of the human race, and enable us to love one another even as we have been loved by our gracious and benevolent God and Savior. Amen.

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