Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Note to Mom's and Dad's

While I am convinced Scripture does not require a man to have children in order to serve as a pastor / overseer / bishop / elder (all synonyms in the New Testament)... I admit that sometimes the reality that I do not yet have children can function as a detriment in my ministry to those in my congregation who do.

So, while I'm not writing this blog myself, I was thinking about the members of Broadway who have young children and who might benefit from the blog below of a fellow pastor. I offer this link (http://theresurgence.com/how_i_pastor_my_family) as a pattern to ponder. I don't believe this author is demanding that you follow every suggestion, nor am I passing it on because I think this blog is perfect... but I do think parents of young children can be encouraged and equipped by reading it, chewing on it, and asking God for guidance and wisdom as to how they might apply its ideas to their own lives/families.

I hope it helps.

P.S.--The views, comments, and suggestions may or may not accurately reflect the theology of this blogger. (Aren't disclaimers great!?!?!) God bless you.

Deuteronomy 6:7

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