Recently I have been preaching a sermon series entitled, "Snapshots of the Savior", and I have been trying to capture some memorable moments in the life of Christ that not only reveal truth about our Savior, but also reveal principles that are important for us who seek to live the Christin life as well.
The first message in that series was "Blessing Children", and we looked at Luke's account in Luke 18:15-17 of how Jesus responded when his disciples were hindering children from coming to the Savior. It's one of the few times that the Bible says Jesus became 'indignant' (i.e. displeased & angry). Jesus wanted the children to be brought to Him, and so we sought to ask ourselves some valuable questions about our own relationship to children:
1) What is your attitude toward children? (Are they a blessing and gift from the Lord--Psalm 127:3, or are they simply viewed as a 'hindrance' in your life... keeping you from fulfilling the American dream of success?)
2) Are you bringing the children in your life to Jesus? (Do you spend time with the children in your life/sphere of influence? What do you do with them? What are you teaching them? Where are you taking them? What are you modeling for them? Do you regularly pray for them?)
3) Are you keeping the children in your life from Jesus? (Are you a hypocrite in their eyes--Matthew 23:13? Are you abusing them--Romans 13:4? Are you provoking them to anger needlessly--Ephesians 6:4?)
4) Do you have a child-like attitude toward God? (Do you see yourself before God as helpless as a newborn baby in need of provision? Jesus said only those who recognize their helplessness and need for God's salvation, and who humbly call out for mercy will obtain eternal life--Luke 18:9-14)
One thing I didn't touch on from this text that I think is so important is God's heart towards children who die (a child that was aborted, a child who died in the womb, a child who dies just days or weeks after being born, a small infant who dies due to an accident, etc.). It seems to me (and other Bible teachers) that Jesus says that children--babies, infants, toddlers--are in a category of those who 'belong to the kingdom of heaven' (Luke 18:16). I won't take time to delve into this subject fully in this blog, but I did want to suggest a great resource that I have found both biblical and helpful. It is a book by Dr. John MacArthur (long-time pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California) entitled, "Safe in the Arms of God". This book has provided great insight to me regarding God's heart towards children (and has supplied practical tips for how I can minister biblical hope to a family who has had a young child die). If you have questions or know someone who is wrestling with these issues, please visit and click the tab "shop" and then the word "books" to purchase a copy of this fine resource.
On more than one occassion I have given this book to a family or a parent who is dealing with the grief of having lost a child to death. My prayer is that letting people know about this book may supply more biblical hope and comfort to others outside my sphere of influence who could use this resource. God bless you.
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