Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Tale of Two Corners: Knowledge & Maturity

I love God's providence ("God's providence is His constant care for and His absolute rule over all His creation for His own glory and the good of His people." - Jerry Bridges, Trusting God). Just a week or so ago I was reading a devotional in Tabletalk Magazine (the devotional put out by Ligonier Ministries, the teaching Ministry of R.C. Sproul) and thought to myself when I was finished reading: "Wow, I wish I could put this on my blog. It's solid, balanced and insightful." However, I wasn't really in the mood to jump through all of the hoops to take care of the copyright issues. Well, praise the Lord, in His good providence, the author of that particular devotional posted the same article on his blog, and so I am going to direct you there. It is worth the read. If you are a Christian--especially one who longs to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus--this article is a great reminder. It sure convicted me.

The essence of this article has to do with this question: which is better, the person who knows a lot of theological data, or the one who knows less but applies what he knows? The author's answer is GREAT! Thanks Kevin for your insights--I love this article.

To learn more about Kevin DeYoung and the church he serves, see

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An Adopted Child

Several of you have been reminding me that I haven't "blogged" in a while. True. I still haven't developed this practice into a daily or weekly habit yet. I admit, too, that between being ill, being out of town, and simply being occupied with other pastoral responsibilities... I've not done well at all in 2011.

As I opened my blog page today (and it has been a while since I have), I received a note from a long time friend--someone I've known since 6th grade. More than that, someone who has been a true friend since then. We played basketball together, we went out on double dates in high school, and especially meaningful to me--he was right there the night I gave my heart to Christ (nearly 20 years ago). In fact, he was the first person to ever actually share the gospel with me when I was a teenager. He is a man of God, a loving husband, an invested father, a great basketball coach, a strategic teacher... I could go on and on... but the point is I love this guy. For some time now I have known that he and his beloved wife were intending to adopt a child from another culture. A good deal of time has past, but I learned this morning that the adoption is now final. I was able to go online and see pictures and read of their adoption journey... and well, it just made my morning. Congrats Bret & Nicole! I am overwhelmed with deilght for you guys.

All of this got me pondering my own adoption. No, not the way you might think or assume. I grew up in the home of my biological parents. They loved me deeply and blessed me richly in ways too many to recount in this particular blog. I am referring, however, to my adoption by God the Father. And if you are a true Christ follower, born again by the Spirit of God, you also have been adopted by God into His heavenly family (see Ephesians 1:5).

Listen to these words from the pen of the Apostle Paul from Galatians 4: "But when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, THAT (emphasis mine) we might receive the adoption as sons" (vs. 4-5). Wow! I don't know about you, but I believe those are some of the sweetest words to be found in the New Testament. And those two verses are SO theologically rich. Ponder with me.

First off, that text says God's timing is perfect. The "fullness of time" in verse 4 refers to God's appointed time-table. I won't take the time here to review the historical significance of Jesus' coming when He did--but needless-to-say, He came at just the right time in history (HIS STORY) to accomplish His Father's will. And while I'm typing, let me just remind you (my pastor's heart is waking up, I thnk): His timing is perfect in your life too. You may not think so, but trust me, it is. Joseph didn't think so, I'm sure. Abraham and Sarah were certainly questioning if His timing was perfect. Job thought both God's timing and His actions were not so great. And, my guess is you have probably questioned God's timing a time or two yourself (as have I). BUT please know this: God's time table is rarely the same as ours, but His is best. You may not like it. You may wish it were different. But trust in His sovereignty and His goodness--He never makes a mistake.

Second, this text reminds us that God so loved us (John 3:16) that He sent His Son to redeem us (i.e. pay a price to free us from our slavery to sin). The second Person of the Trinity chose to leave the glories of heaven, and become a human being. Maybe this is a poor or crass illustration--but that's like a car lover leaving His Porsche 911 for a Ford Yugo (called by some "the Mona Lisa of bad cars"). He subjected Himself to the Law of God--that is, Jesus was required (just like you and me) to obey God and resist evil (in thought, word and deed). And what's more, He succeeded! He alone is the only human being who has ever perfectly fulfilled God's Law. And yet, He did all of that for one primary reason: so He could take our sins upon Himself, absorb God's wrath for our sins, and die in our place on the cross. As Paul says so magnificently in 2 Corinthians 5:21: "God made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." Amazing love, amazing grace... I hope that truth humbles you and calls you to worship Christ the Lord.

But lastly, notice why all of this took place. Notice why God sent His Son, notice why He was born of a woman, notice why He was born under the Law, notice why He redeemed us on the cross with His life's blood... THAT (here's the key purpose clause of our text) we might receive the adoption as sons. In other words, the primary reason God (through Christ) did all that He did was so that He might adopt you and me into His family forever. The Bible says He predestined us to adoption as sons. He predetermined that our destiny would be sonship in His family. And now, if you know Christ as Lord and Savior, you have a heavenly Father, an elder Brother, and a Comforter who never leaves you nor forsakes you. He knows what you need before you even ask; and yet He tells you to ask that He might meet your needs (Matthew 6:8; Matthew 6:11; Matthew 7:11). He is always available and willing to provide you with wisdom when you need it (James 1:5). No matter who else may forsake you, you have a Friend who will stick closer to you than any blood brother (Proverbs 18:24). In short, God has said to you and to me (and all Christ followers): "You are a part of my family. I love you. I am for you. And I will see that you get home safely. Trust Me. Treasure Me. Delight in Me. I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

May the reminder that you are an adopted child of God thrill your heart today.

And if you have never embraced the good news concerning Jesus Christ--the Bible says today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). If you are willing to repent (i.e. turn away from the sin in your life with God's help) and place your faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ (i.e. that He is God, that He loves you, that He came to earth for you, that He took on humanity for you, that He lived a sinless life for you, that He died on the cross for your sins, and that He was raised from the dead three days after He died on the cross), you too can be saved from sin and hell. The Bible says if any man is willing to turn from his sin and trust in Christ alone for the free gift of salvation, God is willing to save that man or woman (Mark 1:15; Acts 3:19; Romans 10:9). The choice is yours. Choose to repent. Choose to believe in Jesus. Choose to pray and ask Him to save you from your sins.

In Him there is forgiveness, in Him there is life, and in Him there is adoption into the family of God for all who believe (John 1:12). Respond to and rejoice in His grace today, I pray.